Some of my favourite lines:
ErinnerungWillst du immer weiter schweifen?
das Gute liegt so nah.
Lerne nur das Glück ergreifen,
Denn das Glück ist immer da.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAus der Dreigroschen OperJa,
renn nur nach dem GlückDoch renne nicht zu sehr!
Denn alle rennen nach dem GlückDas Glück rennt hinterher.
Bertolt BrechtBoth
basically say: 'Do not look into distance to find
Happiness is right there where you are.'
I interpret this in the way that they tell us, if one is not able to be happy where one is - if one is not able to be happy with oneself in ones head, than there is no place on earth where one will find
happiness regardless how fast and far one might search.
When I left home my mom told me to not forget that one will always bring oneself with one wherever one goes. At first I did not understood. I was not too happy
during my last years in Germany. I thought if my
surroundings would be
different I would act, think, be
I thought I would be able to find
happiness by running off into the
I did not. I did find contentment at times. But I still wanna run further and further.
Contentment I found always close to the sea, in company of people who
accepted my twisted being. Oh, I still wanna run - run until I stop being.