Tuesday, 2 September 2008

The epic journey begins...

After being in Perth for 5 months I finally left at the end of August to start my travels around Australia. I left on board of the Indian Pacific which connects Sydney and Perth via Adelaide. The journey itself takes three days and three nights one way or 65 hours to cover a distance of 4352km with a speed of 85 km/hour. But I only stayed on until Adelaide. The train goes twice weekly in both directions, is approx. 1km long (including 2 Locomotives and Motorail) and can accommodate up to 500 customer.
Wow - I am on the train, nothing awful has happened so far and I am still alive! The seats in front of me are free so I hoped over and have a big window and two seats for myself! :)
A bit further out of Perth the countryside begins to change - from lush green to marsh?

It is a one way line of train tracks only from time to time there are places, where parallel tracks are build so that two trains can get past each other. The freight trains have the right of way so the Indian Pacific is waiting quite often on those sidetracks to let the long long long freight trains pass.

Above Kalgoorlie by night. We stooped there and who wanted to was able to attend a "Whistle-stop-tour". We saw the "Super Pit" a mining site by night. I did not saw much at all but have been impressed anyway.

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