Saturday, 4 July 2009

Canada Day - 1st of July

Canada Day (French: Fête du Canada), formerly Dominion Day (French: Le Jour de la Confédération), is Canada's national day, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the 1 July 1867 enactment of the British North America Act, which united Canada as a single country, which was in turn composed of four provinces. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada as well as internationally.

Here a Lady proud in front of her dressed up car.

He shows himself from his best side - honoring the importance of the day.

Took a trip with the Lake Louise Gondola.
Lucky me saw a Grizzly locking for something to drink.

Mr Petzzy schleicht durchs Gebuesch.
Man so glad to sit in a lift! Above.


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