This is to advise that JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE has been granted an Electronic Working Holiday Visa, Subclass 417, on 16 August 2007. This letter contains important information about this visa.
This visa allows JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE to make their initial entry into Australia no later than 12 months from the date that the visa was granted. The initial entry into Australia must not be after 16 August 2008. Once in Australia, this visa permits JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE to stay in Australia for 12 months from the date that they first enter Australia. It provides for multiple travel to Australia, which means that JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE can leave Australia and re-enter Australia as many times as they wish during their 12 month stay. However, if JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE departs Australia during their 12 month stay, they are not able to recover the period of time spent outside Australia. JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE will not have a visa label placed in their passport when travelling to Australia as their visa is recorded electronically in Australia's visa systems. It is recommended that JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE keep a copy of this advice for their personal records.
Please note that this Working Holiday Visa has been approved subject to a number of conditions:
EMPLOYER WORK LIMITATION - 8547 The holder must not be employed by any 1 employer for more than 6 months, without the prior permission in writing of the Secretary.
While in Australia you must not engage, for more than 4 months, in any studies or training.
It is very important that JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE understands and abides by these visa conditions. If they fail to abide by these conditions, their visa may be cancelled and they will be required to leave Australia. If JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE does not understand the visa conditions they can contact the nearest Australian Government Office overseas for advice before they travel .
We hope that JULIA DANIELA LUTHJE enjoys their stay in Australia.
Yours sincerely
Hobart Onshore
Disclaimer: The preceding correspondence is intended solely for the use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. If this email has been sent in error, then the recipient is prohibited from disclosing, reproducing or using the information contained within.
Ich koennte mir vorstellen, von Auckland oder Wellington nach Perth zu fliegen, dort ein Auto zu erwerben und die Sued-Kueste entlang nach Melbourne zu reisen. Von dort aus ginge es die Ostkueste hoch nach Brisbane und von dort aus zurueck in die noerdliche Hemisphere.
Habe bereits einen Kontakt in Perth und werde mich fuer ein Praktikum in Sydney bewerben. Bei einem Unternehmen, das von Deutschland aus operiert und tendenziell an mir interssiert waere...
Oh mein Gott, dass ist alles so cool - so unglaublich. Die Welt steht mir offen, alles scheint moeglich... In einer Art, wie ich es mir nie haette vorstellen koennen.
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